Friday, December 23, 2011


Quick sketch isn't my strong point but I drew this in under twenty seconds (on paper). Still, it took me another two hours to get the inking and coloring right. This was supposed to be Yusuf Khan but I botched up his face, I think.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Vote for Bunny!

I woke up this morning and this image was actually the first thought I had. So there, I made it.

Monday, December 12, 2011


I am in awe. I am at a loss of words. And I am disappointed that it is all over.

I have spent a better part of the last few months watching television shows instead of films. After the usual Doctor Who and Dexter (and Sherlock somewhere in between and Game of Thrones at the beginning), I started watching The Wire. It started off like another series. Took a couple of episodes to set up. Soon enough, I was gripped to it(as is the case with any other series). I finished season 1 in less than a week. Then I finished season 2 in another week. Had I not been working on a project, I would have finished the other 3 seasons within the same month.

The Wire is different from a lot TV shows that I have seen. For starters, there is no soundtrack to build up or carry you through a scene. It's all about dialogue and action(and by action, I don't mean exploding cars or 20-minute long gunfights). It is not set in the usual big cities like New York or Los Angeles. But what really makes it feel real is the fact that(except one or two) there is no really no character that can be judged as good and evil. Everyone is out for some sort of glory. The Wire does not let you get your hopes high. It is rarely a good day for the good guys. There are actions and surely, there are consequences to those actions. There are no fairy-tale like endings.

It's appropriate to say that The Wire is set in the real world.

I was watching the sixth season of Dexter, just before I had started watching the Wire. In the last two months, I have seen only one episode of Dexter. There's half a season to finish, but somehow, I don't feel like watching Dexter, or for that matter, any other TV show, anymore.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Odd happening in the Delhi Metro

I attended the South Asian Band Festival that was happening at Purana Qila, on the weekend. On Saturday night, Motherjane's set ended pretty late. By the time we reached the Metro station, it was almost midnight. When we boarded the metro(the last of the night), everyone broke into applause. Before we could thank the crowd for applauding us simply because we had boarded the train, someone said "ek aur baar!". A lot of murmurs followed in agreement.

No, no one expected us to deboard and board the metro again. Instead, they were talking to a tall(slightly balding) man, who was standing against one of the bars. Reluctantly, he disagreed a few times. Then, he took out his mouth-organ and broke into a song.
